Inheritance lawyer in Monaco

Plan your estate and ensure that it is passed on according to your wishes, with our expert support in inheritance matters.

Lawyer for Inheritance Law in Monaco, Foundations and Principles

Inheritance law is a branch of civil law that orchestrates the transfer of a deceased person's assets to his or her heirs. In Monaco, this discipline is particularly complex due to the country's specific legal features and the cross-border nature of cases. Maeva Zampori, a lawyer specializing in inheritance law, ensures that the deceased's wishes are respected and that the heirs receive their fair share in accordance with the law.

Definition of inheritance law

Inheritance law in Monaco, although based on French civil law, has its own unique features. Our Monaco office deals with all regulations concerning the succession of property, rights and obligations post-mortem. This includes managing the will, valuing assets, settling debts, and distributing the inheritance in accordance with the wishes of the deceased, or according to legal stipulations in the absence of a will.

Regulations and procedures

Maeva Zampori's law firm guides clients through the complexities of Monaco's inheritance procedures. Whether the deceased left a will or not, we ensure that everyone's rights are respected, in line with legal requirements.

Maeva Zampori's role in Inheritance Law in Monaco

Maeva Zampori's expertise in interpreting local laws and jurisprudence makes her an indispensable partner.

Advice and support

Maeva Zampori advises clients on how best to prepare their estate, taking into account Monaco's complex tax and civil laws. Our firm can propose solutions such as the drafting of wills, the creation of legal structures, or tax planning to optimize estate management.

Dispute management

Estate disputes are a common occurrence, especially when the stakes are high and family situations tense. Our firm plays a crucial role as mediator and legal representative, ensuring that assets are distributed fairly and according to the wishes of the deceased, while complying with Monegasque law.

Interface with Monegasque authorities

Managing an estate often involves numerous interactions with local authorities, such as notaries, courts and tax authorities. Maeva Zampori is perfectly equipped to deal with these procedures, guaranteeing smooth management and compliance with local regulations.

Maeva Zampori, with her expertise in inheritance law in Monaco, is a seasoned professional for anyone wishing to navigate with confidence in the field of inheritance. Our firm offers personalized, tailored support, ensuring that your rights and those of your loved ones are respected.

Maitre Maeva Zampori lawyer monaco legal services principality of moanco

Estate lawyer in Monaco, Maeva Zampori at your service

A Monegasque lawyer, Maître Zampori demystifies the legal world with a personalized and innovative approach. With a diverse range of skills, covering civil law, business law, criminal law and more, Maître Zampori guarantees tailor-made support, adapted to the unique needs of each client.